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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 18tgdconsc, TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #2: Problem of time, Problem #4: Observer still outside the physical system in standard QM ???? !Observer as conscious entity becomes part of physical system: self, ?!Free will as a selection between deterministic time evolutions t1-->t2? Temporal patterns, behaviors, functions, programs. ???? Initial value problem----> boundary value problem, TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #6: Intelligence, its evolution and ethics, TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #4: Observer still outside the physical system in standard QM, !Observer as conscious entity becomes part of physical system: self ???? Realization of self in zero energy ontology (ZEO), Quantum states superpositions of pairs of initial and final states connected by determistic time evolutions? ???? ?!Weak measurement as state function reduction as a selection between superpositions of determistic time evolutions t2-->t2+dt2 lasting for finite time dt2 and connecting initial and final states?, !Observer as conscious entity becomes part of physical system: self ???? Evidence for nonstandard arrow of time?, ?!Weak measurement as state function reduction as a selection between superpositions of determistic time evolutions t2-->t2+dt2 lasting for finite time dt2 and connecting initial and final states? ???? Subjective time<-->geometric time, Quantum states superpositions of pairs of initial and final states connected by determistic time evolutions? ???? Zero Energy Ontology (ZEO), TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #3: State function reduction non-deterministic and Schrödinger equation deterministic, Problem #3: State function reduction non-deterministic and Schrödinger equation deterministic ???? Quantum states superpositions of pairs of initial and final states connected by determistic time evolutions?, TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #5: What about cognition, TGD inspired theory of consciousness as a generalization of quantum measurement theory ???? Problem #1: Free will seemingly in conflict with the determinism of field equations, Problem #1: Free will seemingly in conflict with the determinism of field equations ???? ?!Free will as a selection between deterministic time evolutions t1-->t2? Temporal patterns, behaviors, functions, programs.